4th March 2014 by Ian Pollen
Publicity headshot photograph of photographer Stephen Brooks.


As a commercial photographer, one of the biggest compliments I can be paid is to be asked by another professional photographer to photograph them. This is exactly what happened when a very good friend and talented wedding photographer Steven Brooks asked me to create some publicity headshot photography images for use in his social media and website marketing. Steven is based in the beautiful county of Norfolk and made the journey to our studio in Broadstairs, Kent for this session.

It goes without saying that all business owners should have a professionally taken publicity headshot to promote themselves properly. The correct style of headshot portrait is a vital element in projecting the right message on your website, social media and in printed marketing. But when your business is in the business of creating and delivering a visual end product, as we photographers do, then it is even more important.

Now lets be honest, if you were to ask most photographers whether they enjoy being photographed or not, the truthful answer by many would be “No”, myself included. There is a reason we are behind the camera and not in front of it! Steven is no different in this respect. So to reassure and confirm I was creating exactly the style of image he required I decided to shoot tethered which means we could both check the images on a large monitor as the session progressed.

I am personally very pleased with the final images and even more pleased to see they are being used widely across Steven’s online presence. Which as I mentioned at the start, I take as a huge compliment from another photography industry professional.

If you or your company requires a professional Commercial Photographer for publicity headshot photography then please contact me today.
Publicity headshot photograph of photographer Stephen Brooks. Publicity headshot photograph of photographer Stephen Brooks. Publicity headshot photograph of photographer Stephen Brooks.
office: 01425 271154
mobile: 07846 667831
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